Apart from a weakness for Ben & Jerry's Late Night Snack, I can usually "take it or leave it" when it comes to ice cream. Popsicles, however? Completely different story.
Leave it to the always awesome
Mark Bittman to come up with a wide variety of
recipes to take the ice pop to an all-new level.
Go "Fruity" with Strawberry-Basil, Cherry-Vanilla and Peach-Ginger.

Boldly try "Savory" flavors like Avocado-Cilantro, Tomato-Cucumber or Coconut Curry.

Party it up with "Boozy" offerings like Grapefruit-Campari, Fennel-Pernod or Mojito (that one's for you, Mom).
Bittman also offers ideas for sweet and creamy options, but those just aren't my bag.
One of the main reasons I love the whole artisnal popsicle movement is because the flavors are often much lighter and healthier than ice cream.
For example, one flavor not included on Bittman's list is my current fav flav Hibiscus Mint (recently sampled at Las Paletas in Nashville). Check out the recipe
P.S. Want to make creating ice pops even easier? Check out this bad boy.

Some of our pals just picked up this little contraption a few weeks ago. It has since been added to the list of kitchen gagdets to acquire up once we have a kitchen that's a bit more storage friendly...and has a full sized freezer.
(images courtesy mirth and motivation, the new york times, bon appetit and mommy pr)