(image courtesy cupcakes and cashmere)
"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."- You've Got Mail

(image courtey msn)
I think I watched You've Got Mail about a hundred times in high school. I'm completely aware of how uncool this is, but after catching a recent replay on cable, I'm still completely in love with this movie.
Is the dial-up modem connecting to AOL almost too passé to stand? You betcha. Screenames? The worst! How adorable was Meg Ryan before that weird plastic surgery? Also, how annoying is Meg's best apartment ever (naturally obtained through owning an independent children's bookstore)? Let's get serious, people.

(images courtesy ceiling flickers)
Despite all the reasons NOT to love this movie, what makes it iressistible is its romantic view of NYC. My sixteen-year-old self would be proud to know that New York, in that way and so many others, is just what I thought it would be all those years ago...
(image courtesy guardian)