Perhaps it's my recent diet or the fact that Thanksgiving looms a mere 48 hours away, but I woke up this morning with a desperate craving for Balthazar's warm goat cheese and caramelized onion tart.
Balthazar, Keith McNally's Soho staple, has been a long favorite of ours for special occasions. From second anniversaries to a place to take visiting family, there's little on the menu that doesn't leave your mouth watering.

Of the tasty options, nothing sticks with me quite as much as this very delicious and very decadent tart. Health food? I think not. Rich? Whoa, momma.
Isn't this the time of year for indulging? This tart
would make a perfect holiday dish...
Head over to the darling food blog The Red Spoon for the
recipe and some charming food porn. See below for a sneak peek.
(images courtesy the tasting menu, the observer and the red spoon)